Thursday, September 5, 2013

Harmonyum is a Magic Carpet Ride to Neutrality

Harmonyum is a magic carpet ride to neutrality. Receiving Harmonyum brings us to a place to non-reaction, actually to a place of responsibility, which some amazing women taught me this week, is defined as the ability-to-respond. Response-ability. And when we are out of action-reaction, we are out of the cycle of karma, actually we are are melting the karma from the past, the present and the future when we are in our heart space and anchored to neutrality. We hold space for ourselves and all we meet with compassion and love and we melt whatever karma existed in the past, could exist in the present or the future. We affect ourselves and all in our environment when we ride the magic carpet ride of Harmonyum into neutrality.When we live in that space of love and compassion, in neutrality, we give birth to thoughts and words that build a beautiful present, and future and heals our past.

I am beyond grateful for Harmonyum and give and receive it every week.

Sending LOVE to all